Meet the pastor behind that 'quitting the church' essay
A pastor's last thoughts on leaving the ministry sparked a national conversation about clergy health and the future of the church.
A pastor's last thoughts on leaving the ministry sparked a national conversation about clergy health and the future of the church.
A new study looks at why millions of Americans left church — and what might bring them back.
First published in 2004, the devotional has sold more than 40 million copies worldwide.
For thousands of years, the Psalms have provided Jews and Christians with a guide for their faith.
Transitioning is often not an easy process as it involves leaving the familiar to what may be totally different or not-so-familiar.
God has our best interest at heart; all we need to do is put our trust in him and truly live for Him.
As American pastors continue to skew older, with an average age of 52, a majority now say it is becoming increasingly difficult to find mature young Christians willing to do their jobs as they prepare to retire, data from a new Barna study shows.
Through September and October, British churches of most denominations have a Harvest Festival, but the modern Harvest Festival is mainly a Victorian development based on biblical themes.
For most of us, grief is an unavoidable human experience, one that we all must navigate at some point in our lives.
God can use your professional skills to serve His Kingdom too, just ask Him to show you where He wants you to apply your talents and be open to being surprised.
It's true that generally people are living longer and in better health than in generations before, but there are increasing challenges for older men and women in our communities.
The impact of Martin Luther on modern Christianity is immeasurable.
We all need friendships that ask us to examine our faith, to question assumptions, and think.