
The call to forgive others: a reflection for Lent
The call to forgive others: a reflection for Lent

With Lent underway, it’s a fitting time to reflect on the importance of forgiving others.

Finding female voices in the Scriptures
Finding female voices in the Scriptures

On 8 March we mark International Women’s Day. It is not well known that there are parts of the Bible from a female perspective, and that some parts were composed by women. This is the story …

Lessons from great women of faith
Lessons from great women of faith

This International Women’s Day, I'm celebrating Ruth and Mary of Bethany, two of my favourite women in the Bible.

Who was Huldah in the Bible and why is she important?
Who was Huldah in the Bible and why is she important?

In the Old Testament we can read the account of the female prophet, teacher, and leader Huldah who  played a key role in Jewish history. This is the story ...

Why do some Christians fast during Lent?
Why do some Christians fast during Lent?

During Lent many Christians use the time to fast something. This is the story ...

Who was St David and why is he the patron saint of Wales?
Who was St David and why is he the patron saint of Wales?

The first day of March is St David’s Day. Who was St David and why is he the patron saint of Wales? This is the story ...

Will marriage and family soon be a priority in UK politics once again? 
Will marriage and family soon be a priority in UK politics once again? 

There are signs of increasing interest in restoring marriage and family in British politics as evidence mounts that the traditional model is best for children and society, and a declining birthrate threatens more problems in the future. 

This Lent, why not talk to somebody?
This Lent, why not talk to somebody?

Sometimes it’s only face to face – with people with whom we have a relationship – that we can question a belief or understanding that’s based more on a conspiracy theory or rumour, than any foundation of truth. 

The life of faith
The life of faith

Sunday's Gospel reading in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer describes the kind of person every professing Christian should aspire to be.

Majority of US teens 'motivated' to know about Jesus
Majority of US teens 'motivated' to know about Jesus

A new survey has suggested that the vast majority of American teens have at least a passing interest in knowing more about Jesus.

Finding true love in God this Valentine's Day
Finding true love in God this Valentine's Day

This Valentine's Day, I encourage you to set aside time for a 'date' with God. Have a deep conversation with Him through prayer, meditate on His Word and let His love fill your heart.

What are the four loves in the New Testament?
What are the four loves in the New Testament?

The English word love covers many meanings, but in Greek we find concepts often known as 'the Four Loves'. This is the story ...

ESV Bible update includes 68 word edits, reverts Genesis 3:16 translation to 2001 wording
ESV Bible update includes 68 word edits, reverts Genesis 3:16 translation to 2001 wording

The English Standard Version (ESV) Bible is undergoing its first text update in nearly a decade, with revisions to 36 passages across 42 verses, the ESV Translation Oversight Committee announced.

Lent campaign encourages people to give back, not just give up
Lent campaign encourages people to give back, not just give up

This Lent season, Christian charity Stewardship is relaunching its generosity challenge, 40acts, in partnership with Gospel Entrepreneurs, The Way UK, and Sanctuary Foundation.

What should we make of celebrity conversions?
What should we make of celebrity conversions?

From Bob Dylan to Kanye West, the fate of many celebrity converts to the faith demonstrates that the Church needs less idolatry, more grace, and more than a pinch of salt.

Christian men's magazine Sorted goes digital in bid to increase outreach
Christian men's magazine Sorted goes digital in bid to increase outreach

Sorted magazine, long celebrated as "the world's most wholesome men's magazine", has announced its transition to a digital-only format.