
'You are not alone,' Archbishop tells all those affected by coronavirus in Easter sermon
'You are not alone,' Archbishop tells all those affected by coronavirus in Easter sermon

Speaking of the power of hope to give courage and "nourish our minds in dark times", the Archbishop urged people to see beyond the pandemic and dream of what the nation's common life might look like in the future.

Digital Easter for Christians around the world
Digital Easter for Christians around the world

In an unprecedented Easter Sunday, millions of Christians worldwide are marking the holy day by tuning in to digital church services from their homes.

Find hope beyond Covid-19 in resurrection, say Church leaders
Find hope beyond Covid-19 in resurrection, say Church leaders

The nation will recover and "life will get better", Church leaders said in a Good Friday message.

Church of England churches told to stay closed this Easter
Church of England churches told to stay closed this Easter

The Archbishop of Canterbury said the message "Stay home, protect the NHS, save lives" was a "very ethical message".

Diocese of London asks all livestreaming from church buildings to stop
Diocese of London asks all livestreaming from church buildings to stop

The Diocese of London has asked certain clergy who were still able to livestream services from their buildings to stop for the time being.

An online space for lamentation during the pandemic
An online space for lamentation during the pandemic

Church Mission Society said the project, for people to share their grief in words and pictures during the coronavirus pandemic, had taken off in ways it never expected.

Australia's High Court quashes George Pell's abuse conviction
Australia's High Court quashes George Pell's abuse conviction

The court said that the "evidence did not establish guilt to the requisite standard of proof".

British and Irish Church leaders call for prayer for the suffering during Holy Week
British and Irish Church leaders call for prayer for the suffering during Holy Week

British and Irish Church leaders have issued a joint call to Christians across the denominations to pray during Holy Week for all those suffering as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

Millions of Christians mark Palm Sunday at home
Millions of Christians mark Palm Sunday at home

In lieu of traditional processions and services at church, millions of Christians around the world are marking Palm Sunday at home under lockdown due to coronavirus.

Jonathan Fletcher lessons learnt review continues despite coronavirus outbreak
Jonathan Fletcher lessons learnt review continues despite coronavirus outbreak

A lessons learnt review into allegations of spiritual abuse against retired Church of England priest Jonathan Fletcher is continuing in spite of the coronavirus pandemic.

Christians of all denominations respond to Pope's call to prayer for coronavirus
Christians of all denominations respond to Pope's call to prayer for coronavirus

The Pope, Archbishop of Canterbury and major Church denominations are joining in saying the Lord's Prayer at 11am on Wednesday in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

All church buildings to close, even for clergy, under new CofE coronavirus guidance
All church buildings to close, even for clergy, under new CofE coronavirus guidance

The change to the guidance means that even priests cannot enter their buildings to say prayers or livestream services and will now have to broadcast these from home.

'With a heavy heart,' the nation's cathedrals shutter over coronavirus
'With a heavy heart,' the nation's cathedrals shutter over coronavirus

Cathedral buildings are closing their doors along with other places of worship across the country after sweeping new restrictions on movement were announced by the Government on Monday evening.

Church weddings and baptisms are off in locked-down Britain
Church weddings and baptisms are off in locked-down Britain

Weddings and baptisms can no longer be held in churches under drastic new social distancing measures being imposed by the Government.

Lambeth Conference of Anglican bishops postponed until 2021 because of coronavirus
Lambeth Conference of Anglican bishops postponed until 2021 because of coronavirus

The Lambeth Conference, a major gathering of bishops from across the worldwide Anglican Communion, has been postponed until 2021 due to coronavirus.

Vicar accidentally sets himself on fire during online service
Vicar accidentally sets himself on fire during online service

Church pastors are normally in the business of setting hearts on fire but for one vicar broadcasting a virtual sermon, it was his sweater.