
Christians petition MP about remaining restrictions on church gatherings
Christians petition MP about remaining restrictions on church gatherings

The letter from Christians in the Morecambe Bay area says that online meetings "fall far short of the New Testament standard for church gatherings".

Diocese of Chelmsford to cut back on paid clergy numbers
Diocese of Chelmsford to cut back on paid clergy numbers

The Diocese of Chelmsford is scaling back the number of paid clergy posts due to ongoing financial challenges.

Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey's permission to officiate revoked by Bishop of Oxford
Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey's permission to officiate revoked by Bishop of Oxford

The diocese said the decision had been taken after new information came to light regarding Lord Carey during the course of an ongoing review into the Church of England's handling of abuse allegations against the late John Smyth QC.

Women accounted for majority of CofE deacons for the first time in 2019
Women accounted for majority of CofE deacons for the first time in 2019

Women accounted for just over half of the new deacons ordained in the Church of England last year.

Church apologises over rejection letter to black trainee vicar
Church apologises over rejection letter to black trainee vicar

The Church of England has apologised after a black trainee vicar was rejected for a post at a white-majority church because he was not deemed a sufficient "match" for the congregation.

Asylum seekers and refugees help Salvation Army respond to coronavirus food poverty
Asylum seekers and refugees help Salvation Army respond to coronavirus food poverty

Asylum seekers and refugees are among the volunteers assisting The Salvation Army as it responds to food poverty across the UK during the coronavirus crisis.

Churches in England open again for individual prayer
Churches in England open again for individual prayer

The latest guidance from the Government, released on Friday, permits individuals or members of the same household to enter into a church to pray on their own.

Church minister sees reduction in rough sleeping during Covid-19
Church minister sees reduction in rough sleeping during Covid-19

A Church of Scotland minister says a reduction in rough sleeping in Edinburgh since the start of Covid-19 has been one of the "unexpected benefits" of the crisis.

Racism on the agenda for most UK churches, survey finds
Racism on the agenda for most UK churches, survey finds

In the poll of nearly 500 Premier listeners, three quarters (74%) said their church had mentioned the issue since the death of unarmed black man George Floyd last month.

Churches experience surge in interest during Covid-19 - study
Churches experience surge in interest during Covid-19 - study

Churches across the UK have experienced a surge in interest following the outbreak of coronavirus, new research from the Evangelical Alliance has found.

Bishops take the knee in memory of George Floyd
Bishops take the knee in memory of George Floyd

Church of England bishops took the knee on Tuesday to mark two weeks since the death of George Floyd.

Churches may be allowed to re-open for collective worship from 4 July
Churches may be allowed to re-open for collective worship from 4 July

A senior Government minister has suggested churches may be able to resume collective worship from 4 July.

Methodist Church has 'not eradicated the problem' of racism yet, says Conference Secretary
Methodist Church has 'not eradicated the problem' of racism yet, says Conference Secretary

Rev Dr Jonathan Hustler, Secretary of the Methodist Conference in Britain, said that "racism is a denial of the gospel".

Church of England must set its 'house in order' when it comes to racism
Church of England must set its 'house in order' when it comes to racism

The Archbishop of Canterbury has said that the Church of England must continue to repent and take action to address its own failings on racism.

Church recruits journalist to boost local news
Church recruits journalist to boost local news

An Anglican church in Kent, south-east England, is taking the 'revolutionary' step of employing a full-time journalist to report on community and church-based news.

Christian group challenges Government on Sunday trading plans as churches remain restricted
Christian group challenges Government on Sunday trading plans as churches remain restricted

A Christian campaign group has questioned the Government on why it is prepared to trust large shops to re-open for longer on Sunday but not churches.