
When is Easter 2018? Good Friday, Easter Monday dates this year and the meaning of Easter for Christians
Easter Sunday is more than the family lunch, the worship service, and the yummy chocolate eggs. If you want to know the significance of this day, read on.

US Episcopal Church is complicit 'in a culture of alcohol abuse', finds report
The Anglican Church in the US remains mired in a 'system of denial and helplessness' over alcohol abuse among its senior clergy, a damning commission has concluded.

What does the Bible say about Christian tithing? Must a Christian tithe?
One of the common dilemmas of a Christian is whether to tithe or not. For those who are doing well financially, this won't be a problem at all. But what if you're struggling to make ends meet, will you still give a portion of whatever is left of your money to the church?

Gay clergyman Jeremy Pemberton loses discrimination appeal against Church of England
A gay clergyman has lost his appeal against the Church of England after he claimed its attitude against same-sex marriage breached equality laws.
Don't fear tattoos, Pope Francis tells young people
Pope Francis this week told an audience gave his blessing to the use of tattoos, telling an audience of young people not to fear them but to see tattoos as an opportunity for community and dialogue.

'One step forward': Jules Woodson welcomes megachurch pastor Andy Savage's resignation â up to a point
Jules Woodson, the woman who was allegedly sexually assaulted by the Memphis megachurch pastor Andy Savage, has said his resignation on Tuesday is 'one step forward' in a statement in which she remained critical of the church as a whole.

What is Lent? The meaning and purpose of Lent for Christians
Lent is already nearly at an end and you might know Christians who are already observing it. However, you may be unaware of the real purpose behind the observance. Let's try to answer the commonly asked questions here.

Pope Francis news: Pakistan allows blasphemy convict Asia Bibi to keep rosary from pontiff
Asia Bibi, a Christian who has been convicted of blasphemy in Pakistan, was reportedly jubilant after jail authorities had allowed her to keep a rosary sent to her by Pope Francis.

Justin Welby: Child sex abuse by priests will 'destroy the Church' if it continues
The archbishop of Canterbury warned child sex abuse by priests would 'destroy the Church' if it continued.

Nigerian Archbishop slams political 'incompetence, greed and insecurity' in letter to president
A Catholic Cardinal and Archbishop in Nigeria has hit out at government corruption in the country in a letter to the nation's president. He described 'negligence, incompetence, greed and insecurity' amongst political elites whilst Nigerians die of hunger and suffer terrorist violence.

Pope Francis again to visit prison for Holy Thursday foot-washing
Pope Francis is set to continue his annual foot-washing tradition this Easter; he will wash the feet of 12 prisoners at Rome's Regina Coeli prison on March 29.

Memphis megachurch pastor Andy Savage resigns admitting 'immoral' sexual misconduct
Memphis megachurch pastor Andy Savage has resigned from his teaching position at high church, it was announced yesterday. Savage had been embroiled in controversy following revelations about his prior sexual misconduct with a teenager.

Archbishop of Canterbury goes before child sex abuse hearings
The archbishop of Canterbury will give evidence today before a hearing questioning whether the Church of England colluded in and covered up child sexual abuse by priests.

5 Bible verses when parenting becomes too tough
Parenting might just be the toughest job you'll ever have. It goes beyond a 9 to 5 job, and it's never-ending. Even when kids are older there are further issues; they will want more freedom to make their own decisions, and some, you will not agree with. Nonetheless, there is no giving up for a parent. So when you feel drained disciplining your child, whether he is four or 14 years old, here are some verses to keep in mind.

Decline in church attendance not due to politics, study finds
A new study has found that the actual number of churchgoers who are leaving the church due to extreme political views is not that significant and those who choose to leave are mostly marginally involved with the institution.

Faith-based groups lose millions in summer-job funding for opposing abortion
Faith-based groups across Canada are facing huge losses after being rejected for a Canada Summer Jobs grant because they refuse to sign a controversial attestation to "respect reproductive rights," including abortion.