
Tears, laughter and deep gratitude to God as Billy Graham is laid to rest
The funeral service of Rev Billy Graham began with a dignified procession in which his coffin, a pine plywood casket made by inmates at the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola, was brought into the tent in the grounds of his library in Charlotte.

Vatican releases slap down document rebuking modern-day heresies
The Vatican has issued a major document slapping down what it sees as modern day heresies.

What is the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, and should evangelicals believe it?
Biblical inerrancy is the view that the Bible is without error in anything it affirms.

Moody Bible Institute demands staff sign Chicago Statement on biblical inerrancy
Moody Bible Institute, one of the bastions of American evangelicalism, has clamped down on a perceived theological drift among its staff, demanding they sign an ultra-conservative statement of faith on biblical inerrancy.

#MeToo hits the Vatican as clergy accused of exploiting nuns for free labour
A high profile Vatican magazine has denounced how male cardinals and bishops treat nuns as lowly servants.

Birmingham priest ready for prison after ignoring fine for political protest
A Birmingham priest says he is ready to serve prison time after refusing to pay a £515 fine for a 'conscience'-based protest at an arms fair.

As Britain freezes, Christians are helping the homeless survive. But is charity enough?
Severe snow and sub-zero temperatures have wreaked havoc across the UK, but present a dire threat to those living without shelter. With weather predicted to worsen, churches and homelessness groups across the country are opening their doors to help those in need, and have condemned the 'injustice' of the rough sleeping crisis.

Warring Pittsburgh Anglicans come to terms in battle over church property
The US-based Episcopal Church's diocese of Pittsburgh and the breakaway Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh have announced a 'comprehensive agreement' over the future of 9 parishes which seceded from the diocese in October 2008, the Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS) reported.

Scottish Episcopal Church consecrates controversial first female bishop
The Scottish Episcopal Church will today consecrate its first female Bishop, the Rev Canon Anne Dyer.

James Hudson Taylor: 9 quotes from China's pioneering pastor
On this day in 1854, the famed evangelist James Hudson Taylor entered China as a missionary. Taylor was only 22, but here he began a work that in the following decades would transform the church in China.

Justin Welby's 'Reimagining Britain': A political book from a political Archbishop of Canterbury
This is a highly political book from a highly political archbishop of Canterbury.

Campaigners want answers over death of Chinese Christian lawyer
Dr Li Baiguang, 49, died on Monday at a government military hospital in Nanjing after checking in for a stomach complaint. The hospital said he bled to death because of a liver condition.

The joys of leading an unglamorous church
Whenever a church in a funky or wealth location advertises for a new vicar they are inundated with applications from those who just happen to be called to be a vicar there.

Eight weird things Christians do during worship
So often we struggle to answer that repeated rallying cry to take the seemingly natural step of inviting other people to come and visit our faith community. Why?

'Guitar hero for bellringers': Virtual bells at Victorian church will ring the changes
Electronic sensors will allow trainee bellringers at a Victorian church in Cumbria, northern England, to practise their art without disturbing local residents.

How the launch of Christianity Explored is bringing fresh hope to Albania's Christians
Many Christians working in Albania believe that a significant window for evangelism is now open.