
Archbishop of Canterbury apologises after Bishop Bell inquiry finds latest allegations unfounded
An investigation by ecclesiastical lawyer Timothy Briden has concluded that allegations against Bell were unfounded.

Indonesia frees Christian politician Ahok, jailed for blasphemy
'I am very thankful to God for allowing me to spend time in prison.'
Pope, on trip to Panama, says fear of migrants makes people crazy
Immigration is expected to be one of the main themes of Francis's six-day trip.

Church of England plans massive investment in mission
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, said: 'Hearing and responding to the good news of Jesus Christ unlocks new joy, new belonging, new purpose and new life.

Offerings doubled by contactless collections: Church of England digital giving scheme to go nationwide
The successful trial of contactless offerings in the Church of England has led to an extension of the scheme across England and Wales, according to the company behind it.
Prayer with the pope just a click away with new app
He presented the Vatican's latest digital platform, known as the Worldwide Network of Prayer with the Pope, during his traditional Sunday address.

Church leaders urge Christians to pray for unity
Christian leaders across the UK have encouraged believers of all denominations to join in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

Archbishop of Canterbury: 'I pray in tongues every day'
'In my own prayer life and as part of my daily discipline I pray in tongues every day â not as an occasional thing, but as part of daily prayer.'

Aberdeen congregation splits from Scottish Episcopal Church over 'continued liberal trajectory'
A congregation in Aberdeen is parting ways with the Scottish Episcopal Church because of concerns that biblical authority is being compromised.

Poorest will be hurt the most by climate change, says Bishop of Dudley
The Bishop of Dudley has warned that the world's poorest people stand to lose the most as a result of climate change after the World Economic Forum said it was the greatest threat facing the world.

'We have a strong bond,' say Catholic and Anglican leaders in England
Catholic and Anglican leaders in England have expressed their ongoing commitment to dialogue after meeting for their biennial conference last week.

What Hillsong pastor Carl Lentz said to his 9-year-old son when he said he didn't feel like going to church
When Hillsong NYC Pastor Carl Lentz's son, Roman, honestly confronted his father about not wanting to attend church, the father-of-three used the opportunity to teach his young son a valuable life lesson.

After lead is ripped from 600-year-old church, vicar just wants prayers for the thieves
Despite causing thousands of pounds in damage, vicar Paul Harford says the thieves need more prayers than 'our poor roof'.
British identity does not boil down to 'leaver' or 'remainer', say British Baptists
Reconciliation is urgently needed to heal the 'complex divisions' in British society exposed by the debate over Brexit, the Baptist Union of Great Britain has said.

Wales' struggling rural churches look to tourism for survival
A new tourism scheme is to offer a financial lifeline to rural churches fighting for their survival across Wales.

Christians are ignorant of Great Commission because churches aren't teaching it enough
Research by Barna found that over half of American Christians to not know what the Great Commission means