
Grenfell Tower: How the Church responded to tragedy – as it always does
Grenfell Tower: How the Church responded to tragedy – as it always does

Churches have poured themselves out in respnse to the deep tragedy of the Grenfell Tower fire.

Strengthening the ties that bind: How MP Jo Cox\'s murder is bringing millions together this weekend
Strengthening the ties that bind: How MP Jo Cox's murder is bringing millions together this weekend

Not since the Queen's Jubilee has an event bought the UK together as much as the death of Jo Cox.

YouTube is dominating youth culture – so how will the Church respond?
YouTube is dominating youth culture – so how will the Church respond?

Many young people spend hours every night on the platform, watching, sharing, making and curating content.

When words fail us: 5 ancient prayers that could change your spiritual life
When words fail us: 5 ancient prayers that could change your spiritual life

In a busy, stressed and cynical world, prayer can be heard. Do we even have the words? A classical church tradition – praying the prayers of others – may be able to help.

Archbishop of York: Tim Farron\'s \'tormentors\' should be \'ashamed of themselves\'
Archbishop of York: Tim Farron's 'tormentors' should be 'ashamed of themselves'

The Archbishop of York has said Tim Farron's 'tormentors' who questioned him repeatedly about gay sex should be 'ashamed of themselves'.

Former Lib Dem Peer: My old party has become a narrow and intolerant sect
Former Lib Dem Peer: My old party has become a narrow and intolerant sect

David Alton, a crossbench peer and former Liberal Democrat MP, is warning his party has become 'narrow and intolerant' after Tim Farron resigned as leader claiming it was 'impossible' to be a 'faithful Christian' and political leader.

Huge rise in number of young people wanting to be clergy in the Church of England
Huge rise in number of young people wanting to be clergy in the Church of England

The Church of England is reporting a 14 per cent increase in numbers training for the priesthood, including a 17 per cent increase in women.

Does Tim Farron\'s resignation mean the end for Christians in politics?
Does Tim Farron's resignation mean the end for Christians in politics?

Tim Farron's resignation claiming that being a political leader and a 'faithful Christian' has been 'impossible' is sparking questions over whether Christians can ever enter play a leading role in politics.

Archbishop of Nigeria condemns \'sin\' of gay sex, offers conservative \'missionary bishops\' to any who want them
Archbishop of Nigeria condemns 'sin' of gay sex, offers conservative 'missionary bishops' to any who want them

The era of 'European Christendom' has passed and it is time for a new Reformation to wipe out the 'sinful' practices of gay sex and gay marriage, according to the leader of the Anglican church's largest evangelical province.

Don\'t believe the bad press: Refugees are good for communities
Don't believe the bad press: Refugees are good for communities

Disparate communities and divided religious groups can unite around sponsoring refugee families, churches are being told.

Conservative parishes declare \'no confidence\' in Archbishop of Canterbury
Conservative parishes declare 'no confidence' in Archbishop of Canterbury

Two churches have declared 'no confidence' in the Archbishops of Canterbury and York in the latest feud over Anglican teaching on sexuality.

Security or serenity? How London\'s churches are battling terrorism\'s culture of fear
Security or serenity? How London's churches are battling terrorism's culture of fear

After March's terrorist attacks in Westminster, London, how should the city's churches respond? Christian Today spoke with churches across Westminster about the crucial balance of security, serenity, and not giving in to a culture of fear.

4 things I love about a small church
4 things I love about a small church

I recently led worship in a church not far from my own. Like the one where I worship regularly, it's small ­– between 30 and 40 adults – and that can present problems.

\'God is right there, in the midst of disaster\': Christian pastors on the front line helping distraught survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire
'God is right there, in the midst of disaster': Christian pastors on the front line helping distraught survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire

Churches in Kensington have become the central hubs of hope and help, and are places where survivors and relatives of those affected can turn to for support

Faultlines exposed as SBC avoids criticising Trump over \'moral leadership\', delays vote condemning alt-right
Faultlines exposed as SBC avoids criticising Trump over 'moral leadership', delays vote condemning alt-right

Yesterday, the SBC adopted a statement which both avoided pointed criticism of current holders of political office and rejected a proposal to condemn the racist, white nationalist 'alt-right' movement which helped see Trump elected.

Grenfell Tower fire: Churches step up to help, survivors allege safety warnings neglected
Grenfell Tower fire: Churches step up to help, survivors allege safety warnings neglected

Local churches are coming together to help victims of the massive fire that has engulfed the Grenfell Tower block in Latimer Road, west London.