
\'Slay the mad dogs\': How Luther betrayed the peasants\' revolt that he inspired
'Slay the mad dogs': How Luther betrayed the peasants' revolt that he inspired

On this day in 1524 a gathering of radical evangelical Germans united, determined to liberate the nation's peasants from the oppression of the ruling classes. This was a key moment in the ill-fated Peasants' Revolt of 1524-25, a movement inspired by the reforms of Martin Luther – but Luther utterly opposed the serfs' rebellion.

Justin Bieber dances at Hillsong: \'Nothing more cool than praising God\'
Justin Bieber dances at Hillsong: 'Nothing more cool than praising God'

Christian pop star Justin Bieber has posted a live video of himself dancing to worship music at Australia's Hillsong church.

What should go in to a church statement of faith?
What should go in to a church statement of faith?

From the minimal to the microscopically detailed, churches everywhere produce statements of faith for their websites.

US Catholic bishops rebuke Donald Trump on closure of unaccompanied child migrants programme
US Catholic bishops rebuke Donald Trump on closure of unaccompanied child migrants programme

US Catholic bishops are speaking out against Donald Trump's closure of a migration scheme for children crossing the southern border after fleeing violence.

Did early Christians interpret the Bible literally?
Did early Christians interpret the Bible literally?

The earliest Latin interpretations of the gospel are on display this week after being brought to light by a British theologian.

Former KKK member turned priest says radical transformation possible through Jesus Christ
Former KKK member turned priest says radical transformation possible through Jesus Christ

A Catholic priest in Virginia is temporarily stepping down after it came to light that he used to be a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

Conservative Cardinal continues to criticise confusion in Catholic Church
Conservative Cardinal continues to criticise confusion in Catholic Church

Cardinal Burke says, 'In a diabolical way, the confusion and error which has led human culture in the way of death and destruction has also entered into the church.'

Nebraska pastors say, \'White supremacy is blatantly sinful\'
Nebraska pastors say, 'White supremacy is blatantly sinful'

A group of 62 pastors has fired the latest volley in the ongoing war of words among evangelicals over their response to the Charlottesville protests.

Legends collide: the day Christian Saint Columba met Scotland\'s Loch Ness Monster
Legends collide: the day Christian Saint Columba met Scotland's Loch Ness Monster

On this day, a millennium-and-a-half ago, the famed Christian Saint Columba encountered the legendary Loch Ness Monster of Scotland. At least, so the story goes.

Once again, Pope Francis urges the world to welcome and protect refugees and migrants
Once again, Pope Francis urges the world to welcome and protect refugees and migrants

Pope Francis has again promoted the cause of refugees and migrants, saying that every stranger represents an opportunity for an encounter with Jesus Christ and re-emphasising the need 'to welcome, to protect, to promote and to integrate'.

Catholic priests must face their responsibilities if they father children, bishops say
Catholic priests must face their responsibilities if they father children, bishops say

Catholic priests who father children must face up to their legal, moral and financial responsibilities, according to new guidelines approved bishops in Ireland.

Hillsong\'s Brian Houston warns of \'wide-ranging ramifications\' in Australia\'s gay marriage vote
Hillsong's Brian Houston warns of 'wide-ranging ramifications' in Australia's gay marriage vote

Hillsong pastor Brian Houston has been among prominent conservative Christian voices warning of 'wide-ranging ramifications' in Australia's referendum on legalising gay marriage. The Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne has said any Church employees who had same-sex marriages would be fired.

Former Archbishop of Westminster is seriously ill in hospital
Former Archbishop of Westminster is seriously ill in hospital

The bishop of his former diocese, Arundel and Brighton, has asked for prayers for Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor

Romanian Orthodox bishop resigns after sex tape scandal
Romanian Orthodox bishop resigns after sex tape scandal

A bishop in the Romanian Orthodox Church has resigned after a video was released depicting him having sex with a 17-year old male student from his seminary.

It\'s worse than you think: Four things Christians get wrong about \'sin\'
It's worse than you think: Four things Christians get wrong about 'sin'

A recent survey by LifeWay Research probed American views on 'sin'. But sin, a theological concept at the heart of Christianity, can be tragically misunderstood both in and outside the Church.

You can meet God anywhere, but are there special spiritual places?
You can meet God anywhere, but are there special spiritual places?

Just how important are certain physical places to our faith as Christians?