
Reformation 500: Archbishop urges Church to reform 'again and again' amid 'political pressures'
Reformation 500: Archbishop urges Church to reform 'again and again' amid 'political pressures'

The Archbishop of Canterbury is urging the Church to undergo another Reformation if it is to flourish amid 'political pressures' and 'the ferocity of sinful power-seeking' today.

Evangelical Steve Chalke calls for 'new Reformation' with 95 theses 'for the 21st century'
Evangelical Steve Chalke calls for 'new Reformation' with 95 theses 'for the 21st century'

Influential UK evangelical Steve Chalke is calling for a 'new Reformation' 500 years after Martin Luther's 95 theses ushered in the first. He told Christian Today that his proposed reform is not about division, but about debate.

'Radical Reformation': The hidden Anabaptist revolution and its message for struggling Western churches
'Radical Reformation': The hidden Anabaptist revolution and its message for struggling Western churches

Stephen Coxen looks at the alternative stream to the Reformation - Anabaptism - and how it paves a way forward for Christians today

Rowan Williams: Repentance is appropriate after sins of the Protestant Reformation
Rowan Williams: Repentance is appropriate after sins of the Protestant Reformation

The former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has said that 'repentance' is an 'appropriate' way of looking back on the Protestant Reformation, the 500th anniversary of which is celebrated today.

Crackdown on fixed-odd betting terminals revealed amid warnings of a 'fudge'
Crackdown on fixed-odd betting terminals revealed amid warnings of a 'fudge'

The maximum stake at fixed-odd betting terminals will be cut, and could be lowered to as little as £2, after government ministers admitted the current status quo was 'inappropriate'.

A second Reformation? How the 'church from below' is shaking the Establishment
A second Reformation? How the 'church from below' is shaking the Establishment

Christianity in 21st century Britain is a peripheral affair. The church is a marginal voice and while it may still retain its status of significance in some matters, that voice carries little authority.

Reformation 500 anniversary commemorated by Protestants and Catholics
Reformation 500 anniversary commemorated by Protestants and Catholics

Today marks the 500th anniversary of the start of the Reformation in 1517 and will be commemorated by Protestants and Catholics around the world.

500 years after the Reformation, can evangelicals and Catholics make up?
500 years after the Reformation, can evangelicals and Catholics make up?

The language Catholics and Protestants have used about each other in the past, particularly evangelical Protestants, is quite extraordinary.

Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill appeals to shared faith in Romania: 'There is extraordinary potential for peace'
Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill appeals to shared faith in Romania: 'There is extraordinary potential for peace'

Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church is extending an arm of friendship to Orthodox Christians in Romania in the first visit by a head of the Russian Church since the fall of communism.

Did Greg Laurie say the Bible predicts North Korea will destroy the US?
Did Greg Laurie say the Bible predicts North Korea will destroy the US?

A US megachurch pastor has denied claims he believes the Bible predicts America will be wiped out in a nuclear attack by North America.

Historic George Washington church to remove memorial because he owned slaves
Historic George Washington church to remove memorial because he owned slaves

Christ Church in Alexandria announced this week it would remove the memorials, saying: 'The plaques in our sanctuary make some in our presence feel unsafe or unwelcome.'

Why 'Onward Christian Soldiers' may not be sung at this church for Remembrance Sunday
Why 'Onward Christian Soldiers' may not be sung at this church for Remembrance Sunday

The hymn Onward, Christian Soldiers has been dropped from one English church's Remembrance Sunday service over concerns that it will offend non-Christians.

Head of Martin Luther's monastic order calls the reformer 'obstinate, intolerant, abusive and rude'
Head of Martin Luther's monastic order calls the reformer 'obstinate, intolerant, abusive and rude'

The head of the Catholic Order of St Augustine – of which Martin Luther was once a part – has offered a stinging rebuke of the famed Protestant reformer, describing him as 'obstinate, intolerant, abusive and rude'.

The dark side of the Reformation: John Calvin and the burning of heretics
The dark side of the Reformation: John Calvin and the burning of heretics

On this day in 1553, the condemned heretic Michael Servetus was burned at the stake in Geneva, largely thanks to the efforts of theologian and Protestant reformer John Calvin. His involvement in this execution remains an unforgettable reminder of how theology can turn sinister.

The Archbishop of Canterbury 'does God' with Alastair Campbell
The Archbishop of Canterbury 'does God' with Alastair Campbell

Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair's former spin doctor, famously 'doesn't do God', as he reminds the Archbishop of Canterbury at the beginning of a revelatory interview for GQ magazine.

 Robert Jeffress and Catholicism: What does he really think?
Robert Jeffress and Catholicism: What does he really think?

Catholicism is one of many topics on which Jeffress has voiced his extensive opinions.