
Authentic community: Reflecting on the European Mennonite Regional Conference

I cannot remember attending a theological conference that was pervaded by such a deep and meaningful sense of community.

Prosperity preacher Jesse Duplantis asks for donations to purchase $54 million Falcon 7X jet
Prosperity preacher Jesse Duplantis asks for donations to purchase $54 million Falcon 7X jet

Televangelist Jesse Duplantis has asked his followers for money to purchase a brand new Falcon 7X jet so that he can "go anywhere in the world in one stop."

Pope warns bishops against letting gay people train for priesthood

Pope Francis has warned Italian bishops to be wary of priesthood applicants suspected of having homosexual tendencies, according to a new report.

White evangelicals are the most likely to say US shouldn't welcome refugees
White evangelicals are the most likely to say US shouldn't welcome refugees

Of all social demographics in the US, white evangelical Protestants are the most likely to say that the US does not have an obligation to welcome refugees.

Only a quarter of Brits think the church is good for community
Only a quarter of Brits think the church is good for community

Only a quarter of Brits think the church is 'good for the community', major new research on public attitudes towards the church has revealed.

'I was born in the fire': the fervent faith of dancing preacher Billy Bray
'I was born in the fire': the fervent faith of dancing preacher Billy Bray

Today marks the death of a 19th-century Cornish preacher with fire in his belly and a liking for indecorous dance: a man known as Billy Bray.

Church of England's synod will not debate sexuality, prompting fury from campaigners
Church of England's synod will not debate sexuality, prompting fury from campaigners

The Church of England's ruling synod will not debate the possibility of formal services to bless same-sex couples at its next meeting this July, prompting fury from campaigners.

The sad story of Methodist founder John Wesley's marriage
The sad story of Methodist founder John Wesley's marriage

May 24th marks the day an Anglican priest named John Wesley had a spiritual experience that changed his life, and arguably transformed the church. But many don't know a more sombre side to Wesley's life: his tense, and even violent relationship with his wife.

Reclaiming evangelicalism: How US churches are distancing themselves from Donald Trump
Reclaiming evangelicalism: How US churches are distancing themselves from Donald Trump

The National Association of Evangelicals, which represents 45,000 churches across 40 different denominations, this weeksought to clarify who evangelicals are when the word has been conflated with support for Donald Trump.

Michael Curry and the Royal wedding: What does it mean for the Anglican Communion?
Michael Curry and the Royal wedding: What does it mean for the Anglican Communion?

Does Justin Welby's recommendation of Curry suggest which way he is leaning?

Anglican Intelligence: 5 things even spiritual Alexa can't do (yet)
Anglican Intelligence: 5 things even spiritual Alexa can't do (yet)

The CofE has launched an Alexa 'skill', enabling millions across the nation to put questions of faith to the voice-controlled digital assistant. But, thankfully, there are still a few things Alexa can't do yet.

Church pastor, his wife & daughter sentenced after dispute sparked by affair with Sunday School teacher
Church pastor, his wife & daughter sentenced after dispute sparked by affair with Sunday School teacher

An Ohio pastor, his wife and daughter who were initially accused of robbing a Sunday school teacher and then fleeing their church minutes before the start of a worship service in February, were all sentenced Monday as it was revealed that the incident was triggered by an affair.

'Judgment of God has come' on the Southern Baptist Convention, warns Al Mohler
'Judgment of God has come' on the Southern Baptist Convention, warns Al Mohler

Two Southern Baptist Convention heavyweights have warned 'the judgment of God has come' on the evangelical denomination and criticising the 'incalculable damage' done by the controversial former president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Paige Patterson.

Questions about God? Now you can ask Alexa
Questions about God? Now you can ask Alexa

The Church of England has today launched its own Alexa 'skill', allowing millions of users of the voice-controlled virtual assistant to pose to it their questions about the Christian faith, prayer and where to find the nearest church events.

Why Jesus is no longer the one way to heaven for many American Christians
Why Jesus is no longer the one way to heaven for many American Christians

Just over two months ago, as winter landed its final blows of snow in New York City, Michael A. Walrond Jr. of Harlem's 10,000-member First Corinthian Baptist Church landed an ideological blow of his own in traditional Christendom.

5 End Times prophecies that failed
5 End Times prophecies that failed

Monday marked seven years since former Family Radio President Harold Camping's much publicized prediction that May 21, 2011, would be the start of the Rapture failed to materialize.